Monday, January 16, 2023

Reaver Quickstart Released!

What ho, Reavers!?

I am happy to announce that today, Reaver: Sword & Sorcery Role-Playing Game Quickstart Rules and Scenario has been released! You can find it on DriveThruRPG or by simply clicking the previous link. The PDF is free, unless you'd like to offer a few dollars to support further development (which is GREATLY appreciated!). A softcover print-on-demand book will follow in the coming weeks!

What's in the book?

  • 28 pages of game rules covering things like combat, healing, and travel.
  • 13 pages of sorcery rules and spells.
  • 10 pages of Adversaries.
  • 18-page sandbox, The Slavers of Sebek and Other Tales, with two adventure hooks!
  • You'll also receive 6 pregenerated 3rd-level characters ready for the adventures ahead.

This Quickstart is aimed at helping us finalize the game, so please offer feedback! We are officially opening out Discord to the public to offer a forum for comments, or you can leave comments here, or find @ravengodgames on Twitter and Instagram!



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