Greetings Investigators!
I'm happy to inform everyone that there are some fine, third-party products for Eldritch Tales: Lovecraftian White Box Role-Playing! Some of these have been out for a while now and have gone completely under my radar, so I'll apologize for the lateness of this!
Parts Per Million has released a handful of quick scenarios, available singly or in a nice Eldritch Tales Investigation Bundle, as well as OSR Cosmic Horror Solo Role-playing, a guide for running Eldritch Tales without a referee! PPM has a ton of products available on DTRPG, many of them solo-play-oriented.
Azukail Games has released a short scenario called Spawn of the Temple and an assortment of magic items gathered in A Baker's Dozen of Sorcerous Items. Azukail also publishes 3rd party products for a number of different games systems, as well as stock art and other publisher resources.
Be sure to slither over to DriveThruRPG and support these great creators!
we can do ET adventures?